M began to react negatively to her custom contact that she was wearing. Her eye would get all red, puffy, and generally irritated. It was hard to get the contact into M's eye without her screaming, and it was even harder to keep it in longer than a few hours a day.
Eventually it became obvious that it wasn't just a random or infrequent occurrence, and I made an appointment for her with her optometrist. She managed to keep the contact in until the appointment time, and showed up ready for an examination with a puffy red and irritated eye. I was hoping I could get her there, it was at the end of the day, with the contact still in so the irritation could be witnessed by the optometrist.
The optometrist agreed, and called it 'an angry eye'. Her eye wasn't happy with something, and something needed to be changed so that she could keep wearing her contact and patching. The optometrist happened to have a few disposables in his office, and gave us two to take home and try. They were both a change in prescription, size of lens, and type of material.
Even though these contacts were much larger than her previous custom lens, we were able to get them in her eye. We had tried contacts this size 2 years ago, but they were much too big to fit and get into her eye. So she has grown, and these larger contacts are now able to fit.
After taking these trial lens home, we realized that these were much better for her at this point. She was happier, her eye was happier, and she could see so much better!