Tuesday 2 July 2013

Trouble in the Car

For the past few weeks M has been a nightmare in the carseat with her patch.  A short drive into or around town always ends with her pulling off her patch.

We haven't used, needed to use, the arm restraints I had purchased a few months ago.  She has been so well behaved when it came to her patching, so these arm bands were just sitting on the shelf.

Since the start of this patch ripping in the car, I've put these on M for most car rides.  And she tolerates them!  She has yet to cry or fuss when I put them on her in the car, and of course it doesn't allow her the opportunity to rip off her patch.

So far, since we've now sadly found a use for the arm restraints, they have been working pretty well to provide with a patched and somewhat happy baby in the car.

Hopefully the reason for this new desire to rip off her patches, are the several monstrous teeth cutting through her gums...  Blaming it on teeth!

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