Tuesday 15 October 2013

Matching Patches

M has been a bit of a pain with her patch for the past few weeks.  Most days she uses about 4 patches, and can get the number into the double digits some days.  She has had a cold, and is working on getting 2 teeth, which I hope is the reason for this sudden onslaught of patch assaults.

To encourage more patch wearing, I have been offering M the opportunity to put patches on her favourite (could be only as well) doll.  This is a series of pictures just after they both got their matching patches on.

Hailey got her patch on just like M.

 M is admiring how her and Hailey's patches match!

 Hailey gets a big kiss from M for being such a good girl with her patch on.

Hailey also gets a great big hug for being such a good girl with her patch!

And finally M gets to take Hailey's patch off because she's been such a good girl!

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