Tuesday 17 May 2016

Farewell to Reducing

M had almost 6 weeks of glorious patching reduction!  They were great.  She still had a patch on from 7:30 am until 3 pm, but not having to wear a patch from 3 pm to 5:30 pm did make a difficult portion of our day a lot easier.

6 or so weeks has passed with this reduction schedule, and she has had her appointment to see if the reduced hours made a difference in her vision.  After 6 weeks of 2 less patching hours a day, she has had a decrease in her vision.  She sees less images now then she did when she had the full time patching hours every day.

We kind of have two choices: keep patching at the reduced hours and be happy with the vision she maintains, or increase patching time and try to get her staying longer at the increased level of vision.  

I think we will make her increase her patching hours again, in hopes of regaining the few images she lost since her last appointment.  I was hoping the vision would have been the same, and we could have further reduced her patching hours.  Instead, I think we'll increase her hours, and keep on going with the original goal: to do everything we can to try and get the best possible vision outcome.   

She has done better than we could have imagined.  We are happy with what vision she has, but now that we know she can get a little more, it's hard to let those few images go.  

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