Thursday, 7 February 2013

First Time for Arm Immobilizers

M was working at pulling off her patches today for some reason.  She managed to rip 3 off today, even though I was watching her pretty closely (at least I thought I was).  We have had so many 'good' patching days recently so these arm bands haven't been put to use since they arrived in the mail.

I haven't wanted to use these arm immobilizers with her, but today seemed like one of those days that I should try them, since these are the kind of days that I bought these things for.  I only kept them on her for about 10 minutes in total.  She was pretty irritated that they were on her, and didn't quite know how to get around with them on.

This is how she reacted for most of the time they were on!

There were moments that she was distracted by her brother and by my camera strap that made her cry less during this time.  I'm hoping that a few times using these things when she's really trying to pull off her patch will make her realize that leaving the patch on is a better alternative to wearing a patch with these arm things!

Moments of distraction and a break in the crying.

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