Saturday, 7 September 2013

Funny Little Images

M had an appointment about 2 weeks ago at her surgeon's office, and with her optometrist.  It's taken me a while to write a post about it, well because it was just another normal appointment.  Things looks maybe better or the same, at least not worse, and keep patching full days everyday.  It's hard to remember that going and having a non-eventful appointment is good news.  Things just keep on going, and we keep patching, and hope for the best in the end of all this.  

One very exciting moment was the mention of this eye chart.  They gave me a copy of the images they use to get her 'on the chart', for a more objective way to measure her vision development. 

She's 1.5 years old, and they suggested a little young usually for being expected to identify or recognize these images, but she was so chatty and interactive at her appointment they suggested I start familiarizing her with the images.  If M and I can sit in the big chair, and they flash these pictures up on the screen, and if she can somehow communicate to me the image that she is seeing!  Well, I would cry.  I'd be that crazy crying lady, who is sitting in a chair with her 1.5 year old, crying because she said 'tractor' when/if she could see that jeep looking thing.  And just to be open about the whole thing - I've only cried in that office once!  After they had done all her exams, and the surgeon met with us to tell us she had the cataract and we needed to start planning her surgery date.  Sure I've cried lots of other places throughout this whole thing, but only once in that office!   

So we've had these images for about 2 weeks and I have yet to get M practicing them...  Our last 2 weeks have been occupied with me going back to work, E starting school for the first time, and M starting daycare.  So we've been busy.  Plus I have to get the images made into fun little cards, magnets for my fridge, and figure out the signs I'll teach her to go along with each image - cause these days most words sound like tractor!

A rotary phone?!  Hilarious image to use right?!  

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