Thursday 9 May 2013

Riding in the Car

M has been notorious for ripping her patch off when strapped into her car seat.  I used to buckle her in and the patch would be ripped off before I could get the car out of the driveway.  When we were deep in this problem the weather was colder and she needed to be wearing a light coat in the car, so I had had her wearing a coat that had hands that folder over.  That solved the problem for that time of year, and as the weather has been getting warmer outside, I knew that that coat solution was coming to an end.

So it's warm now!  Very warm for the past week, and it has been shorts and t-shirt weather, definitely not fleece coat with mittens kind of weather.  M has been in her car seat for a variety of length of trips, with no mitts, and she has not yet attempted to rip off her patch!  Now I just buckle her in, she plays, or naps, and doesn't seem to recognize the opportunity to free her second eye.  Hopefully this trend will continue!

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