Wednesday 8 May 2013

Spare Contact

M has been wearing the same contact now for a long time (or at least it seems like a long time).  Again, we've only been doing this whole contact, patching, cataract thing for just over 5 months now, so it can't really be that long...

Anyway, the fitting seems to be good with this contact, and it rarely falls out or floats around in her eye.  So I ordered a spare.  I hadn't previously ordered any spares, because we hadn't had a contact that I would want a duplicate of.  This way should we lose the contact, we will have an immediate replacement.

So far in the world of contacts we have invested, including this recent spare, $525.  Which means we've had 3 so far.  We've had a few others that were traded in when we trying to get the right fit.  Out of the ones that fit right, the first one we lost, the second one we are currently  using daily, and the third is a spare for when that second contact bites the dust!

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