Wednesday 13 February 2013

Another Custom Contact

Another custom contact has arrived for M.

We have only done 1 day with it but it seems to fit amazingly!

This new custom is very close to the other ones M has had.  However, with a little adjustment, there seems to be little or no wrinkle, the centration seems to be sitting in a better spot over the pupil, and so far (one day) it hasn't fallen out!

This is great news for M!  The better the contact fitting, the more she should be able to see and use it to focus, making her vision when she is patched that much better.

We'll have to see how this contact continues to fit, but after this first day we are being boldly optimistic that this could be the one (for now at least)!

So far we've only lost the one custom contact, which means we've only invested $350 in custom lens so far.  We almost lost the last custom about 3 times, which led to massive searches throughout our house, however the lens luckily turned up each time.

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