Wednesday 13 February 2013

The End of Eye Drops

Yesterday M had an appointment with her surgeon and her optometrist.

The surgeon met with us and M is to continue with full-time patching of her 'good' eye all hours of the day except the hour before bed.  That is the bad news.  The good news is we are able to stop giving her eye drops.  After surgery I believe we were giving her 9 drops a day.  Over the past 2.5 months we have been cutting those drops down.  For the past 4 weeks it had just been 1 drop a day, and now even that is over!  It feels weird not to have to put some sort of drop in her eye, but I'm sure we will get used to it again quickly!

The optometrist met with M just to take a look at her contact in her eye.  He had already seen this contact in her eye so it was a quick appointment.  We are still waiting for another custom contact that has been ordered to help fix the issues that this current custom contact has.

We have a follow-up appointment with the surgeon in 3 weeks to assess the progress of her eyes and how they are working together.

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