Thursday 25 April 2013


M at the park!

Except she flung sand and must have gotten some in her eye.  She  was rubbing her eye, and it quickly became red and irritated, and a little puffy.  I tried eye drop after eye drop to get some sand out (not that I could see any but figured it must be in there), and managed to get her home, fed, and put down for a nap, still with the contact in and patch on.  I was trying everything to keep the contact in and patch on...

I was hoping the nap would make it better?!

She woke up from her nap, eye still definitely irritated, so I had to remove her contact, and thus remove the patch.  She ended up with a fun day at the park, an irritated eye, and a shorter patching day...  A day like this makes me think I should get good at putting the contact in her eye by myself; then I could have taken it out, cleaned it, and put it back in and not lost patching time.  Soon!  I might work on that...

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